Sport is important at any age

A healthy mind in a healthy body. There is nothing made up in this proverb, because physical activity at any age in everyday life is necessary to function, and the beneficial effect of physical activity on health . Regardless of the metric, it is worth doing sports, because it builds immunity.

Movement is important at any age

Implementing sports activity from an early age is a great added value, for the smallest children it has an impact on basically the entire development, it not only intensifies the motor skills of a small person, but also supports intellectual development, increases susceptibility to various types of stimuli, and this will bear positive fruit in the future. It will be easier for an adolescent toddler to build relationships and bonds, as well as to react emotionally correctly, if we provide him with the right amount of exercise. Especially in a group, for our preschooler it will have an impact on integration with peers. Later, when the older child goes to school, the presence of sport in his life will definitely have a positive effect on self-motivation and discipline. It is also the time to make the first important life decisions, to define your passions, which are much easier to make when a young person already has experience in sport.

The self-discipline skills generated during the exercises are also very useful for young people entering adulthood. Having a hobby in the form of sports activities makes it much easier for them to find a balance between work and private life, and this further translates into mental health. And since we are talking about health also in this mental zone, it is very advisable to do sports also in middle age, when our body slowly loses the ability to regenerate quickly.

At this time of our lives, physical activity will help delay the aging process, improve skin firmness and strengthen protection against diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis, which most often develop in middle age. Seniors who do sports regularly are also healthier and definitely complain less about various pains, and after all, this is the point of making the autumn of our lives as painful as possible.


It’s worth doing sports because it ensures a better and healthier life

Rationally performed exercises reduce the risk of civilization diseases. Middle-aged adults who exercise regularly are less likely to develop obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, atherosclerosis and depression. Regular physical activity is a key element in the prevention of heart disease. However, the benefits of playing sports are not only good physical condition, but also greater self-confidence.

Scientific research shows that young people just entering adulthood, who are familiar with physical activity, cope better in stressful situations, make difficult decisions much more consciously, and are assertive, because every physical activity develops intellectual fitness. The great ones of this world are basically always accompanied by movement on the way to success.

U.S. President Barack Obama starts every day with jogging, and the well-known actor Jason Statham has trained swimming and diving for many years. Athletic young people are more creative, they have more time to pursue their passions, because they can manage their time more effectively thanks to physical exercise. Even moderate physical activity releases endorphins, endocannabinoids and dopamine in our body – hormones responsible for feeling happy. There is a whole range of advantages, and there are basically no disadvantages. All it takes is a little time and motivation…


How important is a strong motivation to play sports?

Theoretically, almost everyone knows how important physical activity is and sees the value of doing sports, but awareness does not always go hand in hand with motivation. Motivation, a very important word, in every sphere of life, and especially if we mean regular exercise. When we are surrounded by so many simpler and seemingly more interesting attractions, sometimes it is hard to find the motivation to get on a bike or jump rope.

Certainly, nothing will happen if once or twice instead of going for a walk we sit in front of the TV to watch our favorite series, but the role of physical activity in our lives begins to recede into the background with each such deviation. If we add to this the fatigue caused by the constant rush from home to work, from work to school and kindergarten to the children and further home to everyday duties, then the value of practicing sports is of secondary importance to us. And it shouldn’t, because regular physical exercise will help us find our way in this fast-paced world. Because sport is important in taking care of your health, but above all, it allows you to find time for yourself and for what you like or what you like, because it will give you a bit of independence and privacy.

It’s always difficult at the start, especially for adults who have left the school gym or the playground a long time ago, but maybe this is the time when you should focus a little on yourself. And no, it’s not a selfish approach, because you’re a mother and instead of going for a walk, you should put in another laundry. Go for a bike ride, go for a walk with a friend, because it will give you the energy to continue running through life, let the chance to face everyday life by losing yourself in physical activity be your strong motivation. If you are a parent, think about whether you just want to watch your child chase the ball, or if it is better if you spend time together kicking the ball.

To do this, you need to be in good shape, and to have it, you need perseverance and responsibility, but the effects of physical activity in the form of shared memories and hundreds of smiles should cheer you on the most. Have you set yourself the goal of losing weight, but the road to it is hard? Divide it into stages, create a planner in which you will note your progress and set goals and rewards – you deserve it! Share your successes, but also have support by your side, it’s always a little easier with someone kind by your side when your enthusiasm for exercise wanes. And never give up, follow the example of babies. If they want to walk, they sometimes have to fall over, but they get up, they don’t give up, because they want more. And you want more! You simply deserve a healthier life at any age.


Old age is not an obstacle, because movement is important at every stage of life

Sport is important at any age, and nowadays seniors are much more aware of how physical activity has a beneficial effect on their health and well-being, regular physical activity of the elderly delays the aging process. Physical performance in old age is definitely lower than in the younger generation, so it is important to remember about safety when choosing the type of physical activity.

Injuries can happen to anyone, but in mature people it is much more difficult to recover from more serious injuries. If our senior starts their adventure with physical activity or returns to it after a long break, we offer a medical consultation that will allow them to assess their health condition and determine possible contraindications to certain types of physical exercise. The golden rule is moderate and steady intensity, because unlike younger athletes, pushing yourself too fast, sudden changes in the pace of physical exercise will not only not help, but can be harmful.

Playing sports in adulthood, even if it is not the beginning, requires regular health check-ups, so if you experience shortness of breath and problems with maintaining an upright position, dizziness and impaired concentration, see a doctor. We will repeat it, exercise for the elderly must be safe for their health and life in every dimension.

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