Mediterranean diet – principles, effects, what to eat

Studies show that the diet of people in Mediterranean countries has a positive impact on both their health and life expectancy. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and civilization diseases such as obesity or diabetes. Due to the fact that it is based on natural and unprocessed food products, it has been hailed as the healthiest model of nutrition in the world. Find out what the Mediterranean diet is and learn its rules!

What is the Mediterranean diet?

Why is the Mediterranean diet considered one of the healthiest diets? The health-promoting benefits are attributed to omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which come from fish, legumes or olive oil, which forms the basis of the Mediterranean diet. Limiting the intake of saturated fats and a low intake of salt or fatty red meat also contributes to the benefit.

In the Mediterranean diet, each meal contains fresh vegetables and fruits, which are most often locally sourced. In addition to vegetables and fruits, fish and various types of seafood are also very common in the diet. When preparing meals, salt is given up in favor of natural herbs.

The Mediterranean diet also involves the use of a specific heat treatment of meals. It is recommended to steam, bake in foil and grill. However, deep-frying is avoided.

Mediterranean diet – rules

The Mediterranean diet is a golden mean for people who want to improve their well-being, health and long life. It is based on healthy eating habits, which include eating healthy fats based on plant products. We are mainly talking about high-quality olive oil. It is also an extremely important rule to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and legumes. When following the Mediterranean diet, we must not forget that an important element of it are cereal products (whole grains), fish, fruits, seas, as well as fermented dairy products. Fish is one of the most important sources of essential fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamin D. According to the principles of the Mediterranean diet, you should only reach for products that are as unprocessed as possible and preferably come from local suppliers.

The Mediterranean style of eating requires frequent drinking of pure water and herbal teas. It also allows you to drink a glass of red wine with meals, but of course in moderation. However, these are not all the rules of the Mediterranean diet. It is also recommended to eat carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. Physical activity, as well as rest and sleep, are also of great importance.

In the Mediterranean diet, it is also extremely important to limit red meat and salt, because excessive consumption of these products is harmful to our health. The use of the Mediterranean diet also excludes the consumption of sweets and any confectionery and fatty food.

Benefits of the Mediterranean diet

It is impossible to list all of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. In addition to providing well-being, it also allows you to extend your life and avoid heart disease.

The Mediterranean diet lowers cholesterol and regulates glucose levels and improves tissue sensitivity to insulin. On the other hand, the high fiber content has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system and provides a feeling of satiety throughout the day.

The advantage of the Mediterranean diet is also that we don’t have to live in the Mediterranean to be able to follow it. Most of the products recommended by this model of nutrition can be found in every grocery store.

Mediterranean diet – menu

An example of a Mediterranean diet menu might look like this:

Breakfast: rolled oats, forest fruits, sugar-free green tea,

II Breakfast: Salad – mix of lettuce, a few cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, red pepper, olive oil with mustard, garlic and vinegar, mineral water with lemon,

Dinner: Pearl barley with stewed salmon seasoned with freshly ground lemon pepper and cherry tomatoes, sauerkraut salad with carrots and sun-dried tomatoes, and olive oil.

Afternoon snack: Fruit with natural yoghurt: yogurt, peaches, juice of half a lemon, mint infusion,

Dinner: Cold soup based on Greek yoghurt with green cucumber, parsley, garlic, coriander, lime and freshly ground herbs.

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