
Заложете на косата си! – Hascovita спрей

Грижата за косата е не само въпрос на естетика, но и на здраве, което може да се види в състоянието на нашите нишки. Струва си да погледнете не само текущите нужди на косата си, но и да разберете как ефективно да предотвратите проблеми като плешивост. В този контекст има продукт, който набира все по-голяма популярност […]

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Sport, but for seniors

Regular exercise can be extremely beneficial for the health and well-being of seniors. Properly selected training contributes to maintaining physical fitness, prevents cardiovascular diseases and improves mental well-being. However, as with any form of physical activity, there are some risks that seniors should be aware of before starting any form of training. In this article,

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How to choose a supplement, what to look for? Part I

In this day and age of high industrialization, it is difficult but not impossible to get all the right ingredients into the body. Hence, more and more people are reaching for supplements. However, before we choose a supplement, we should ask ourselves the first question: Do we really need the supplement? Supplementation is sometimes needed,

How to choose a supplement, what to look for? Part I Read More »

Dietary supplements: what you need to know about them

The market of dietary supplements is developing very dynamically. There are more and more new preparations and the number of advertisements praising new products is automatically increasing. How to know good quality supplements? What supplements to choose to help yourself, not harm you. Dietary supplements are designed to supplement the normal diet. They have no

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