How Supplementation Works

For strong hair, better complexion, fatigue and even a cold – dietary supplements tempt from behind the windows in pharmacies, as well as in the advertisements themselves. Their manufacturers promise that a given product will help us achieve the desired effect without visiting a doctor. Supplementation plays an important role especially in the elderly, sick people, but also in young people who want to reduce the effects of fast-paced life in this way. But are dietary supplements a good solution?

What are dietary supplements

Medicine vs. dietary supplement – differentiating between these two products is important, although sometimes it is very difficult. When we enter a pharmacy, we see primarily dietary supplements in the foreground. In colorful packaging, with large inscriptions – they attract attention and tempt with their price. However, it should be remembered that dietary supplements are simply a foodstuff that has a nutritional or other physiological effect. Just a food additive. What’s more, its quality and safety have not been confirmed by clinical trials. We do not know whether the amount of the active ingredient given is real, whether it is a well-absorbed form, or whether the product can cause side effects. Along with the packaging, we also do not receive a leaflet, only a few general sentences decorating the packaging.

On dietary supplements, the inscription that “cannot be used as a substitute for a varied diet” is not without reason. After all, by choosing, for example, magnesium tablets, we only provide the body with magnesium. A well-balanced diet, on the other hand, is a source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, vegetable oils, etc. These are nutrients in smaller doses, but varied and, importantly, necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Let’s go back to medicine for a moment. According to the accepted definition, it is a medicinal product and this diversity alone tells us a lot about whether it is better to reach for a drug or dietary supplements. The drug is designed to prevent and treat diseases, and it can also be useful in diagnosing them. Each product must undergo a series of tests and inspections at each stage. The drug also usually means higher doses of the given ingredients, and the amount of the active ingredient is constant. Unfortunately, the manufacturer of a dietary supplement cannot guarantee that, for example, two months after the production of vitamin D, its dose in a capsule remains at the same level.

Supplementation – pros and cons

Is it worth using dietary supplements? There are situations in which reaching for them gives us a lot of benefits. However, it is worth paying attention to the composition of the product and choosing a reliable manufacturer. If in doubt, ask a doctor, dietician or pharmacist for advice. However, supplementing on your own can have negative effects. We don’t know if we’re missing a given ingredient if we don’t do special tests. It is also easy to choose the wrong dose of the product and overdose it – overdoses of vitamin A, calcium, iron or copper are particularly common. Dietary supplements can also react with medications or even individual food ingredients. The best solution is therefore to consult a specialist before going to the pharmacy to buy the product in question.

Or is it enough to change your diet? Coming back to magnesium – its large amounts can be found in nuts, broccoli, spinach, turnips and sunflower seeds. Of course, a larger dose of magnesium can theoretically be provided by just one tablet, but is it really true that a given supplement offers easily absorbed magnesium? This needs to be verified – the best solution in the case of supplementation is to combine it with a healthy lifestyle. As you can see, reading the ingredients or asking a pharmacist for help is also crucial in choosing supplementation.

When to use supplementation?

When reaching for supplements, it is worth doing it under the supervision of a specialist. The above-mentioned situations in which dietary supplements are a beneficial solution are, first of all, disorders in the absorption of individual ingredients from the diet, increased demand for a given element, the use of a restrictive diet, poor in vitamins and minerals. Supplementation with folic acid,, is used by pregnant women (of course, after consulting a doctor), while postmenopausal women should provide the body with a higher dose of vitamin D3 and calcium. Vitamin D3 itself, on the other hand, is the ingredient that we lack, especially in the autumn and winter season – its supplementation is recommended for both children and adults. However, before buying the product, it is worth doing some research to be able to choose the dose of the vitamin according to the body’s needs.

To sum up – dietary supplements are eagerly used products, but let’s buy them in a reliable place and don’t exaggerate with the number of supplements taken at the same time. Often, in addition to supplementation, it is also worth changing your diet to feel better and provide your body with valuable nutrients. If we reach for a supplement that is supposed to help us fight a given disease, it is also worth seeking advice from a doctor.

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